Sunday, March 08, 2009

One Of The Best

So, for years and years, I've been going to this restaurant with my dad. Its no bigger than an average master bedroom, and yet, the line is bigger than the one at your average Starbucks. They have undeniably the best Italian sandwich's in the city, if you need proof, look at the awards when you walk in. Wondering what it is yet? Lemme give you a hint...

Incase you can't read the sign, the place im talking about is California Sandwichs. These guys make the greatest sandwich's for pretty cheap. Personally, I love the veal ones, they're the most popular ones there. But they also have steak...and they have other stuff..but I've honestly only ever ordered the veal. If your vegetarian...sorry, naaating for you.

I don't give a fuck how weird that looks, its amazing. It even makes Rico smile.

(He's smiling) (I'm jealous of his Tag watch) (Brio sucks.)

Anyways, if you're ever near college street, then you better go.

I'm going to keep posting about restaurants, just not now.