Monday, October 05, 2009
It’s Nice That #2

Of all the things that the web can communicate––immediacy, simultaneity, community––one thing it’s not so good at is displaying art. Art tends to look bad on the web; or if it doesn’t look bad, it looks shrunken and diminished. This is a side effect of the medium. There’s nothing to be done about it––not yet, at least.
Which is why we badly need publications like It’s Nice That, the London-based journal of art, design, writing and most anything that fits the parameters of being creative, innovative and unabashedly fascinating. After the sold-out success of their debut issue, the outfit has released its second issue packed with introductions to undiscovered stars, brilliantly reproduced samples of their work, solid interviews and inspiring discourses on matchbox labels, rulers, and buried treasure, among other things.
The look of the journal is a combination of pure luxury and utter respect to the work within. What a relief, after the intangibility of the web, to hold a substantial printed object in one’s own hands!