Saturday, October 03, 2009
dude! weak! Kanye West X Lady Gaga - Fame Kills Tour | Canceled

For the Kanye West and Lady Gaga fans out there, this will perhaps come as a disappointment, but perhaps not a shock after the Taylor Swift debacle at the 2009 MTV VMA — Fame Kills Tour came to “a swift death”. A press release from Live Nation stated that the tour is canceled, but no explanation was give. For fans who already shelled out for the tickets, refunds will be available at point of purchase. Whatever the reasons are for the tour’s cancellation, we can only speculate. Truth remains, we won’t be seeing Kanye West and Lady Gaga together on the same stage anytime soon– which is really too bad because according to Lady Gaga’s description of an unusual stage that extends from one end of the arena to the other, the show sounds pretty amazing.