Tuesday, August 11, 2009
We were once a fairy tale

In October 2009 Spike Jonze’s feature film rendition of Maurice Sendak’s classic story Where The Wild Things Are will hit movie theaters worldwide. I personally am super fuckin' excited for the movie, seeing as Where The Wild Things was my favorite book growing up as a kid. It looks like, however, Jonze had enough free time before the debut to put together a short film with good friend Kanye West.
Kanye and Jonze have worked together in the past, for the Flashing Lights video. The funny thing is, this project started as a video for the song "See You In My Nightmares" and ended up being a 14 minute short film. Swag-jacking Mikeys 30 minute "Thriller" video? I hope not.
So, whats it look like? I couldn't tell you. It debuts on iTunes on september 8th, so it'll hit the free internet video hosting sites, like youtube etc. by September 9th at the latest.