Sunday, February 01, 2009
Nick Francis & Brey Baptista
I've very proud of my friends, and the people I know are pretty much always doing big things. So, even though I enjoy getting hits on my blog, I'd rather big up my friends and don't mind losing some of the viewing time. With that said, firstly, check out my boy Nick Francis.
Recently I posted an award winning Video he made called "About Us". However, winning national awards is just the tip of the iceberg for this guy. Although I can easily say he is one of the strangest people I know, Nick is constantly pushing new ideas and surprising me with the stuff that he's doing. I've known the guy since grade 9 probably, and he's gotten progressively stranger since (no offense nick!) Currently, he's in the process of organizing a huge fundraiser for AIDS research, and I think its a project I'd like to get involved in as well. The thing is, when he first told me about it, I wasn't even surprised because it's just the type of thing this guy is doing on a regular basis. He's charismatic and in general is one of those guys that its impossible not to laugh with (usually at as well).

Also, I hate blogs. I really do. Call me a hypocrite and whatever, I just don't enjoy reading them because alot of the time I feel like its just whiny people voicing their unwanted and uneducated opinions, and 90% of the type, these people are the type of people who tend to think with their mouth. Maybe you feel that about this blog, frankly I don't give a fuck. However, Nick recently started a blog and he's always got something good to say. Although I don't understand the name of the blog (maybe its a reference, like some sort of English soccer fan ritual) but whatever the case, its good. Nick's always got something to say, and is very in touch with fashion and music. If you like my blog, you'll for sure enjoy this guys. Check it out at
Next up is my buddy BreY. I met this guy over a forum I belong to called HypeBeast and ever since we've been in contact. Anyways, dude produces tracks and makes beats. Good ones. I downloaded his album "Restart" a few months back and I listen to it atleast once a week. Since he's gone on to produce for many other artists and continues to do his own thing. One of the things that I like about BreY is that you can really tell he's in touch with music and movies, and culture as a whole, from the samples that he uses in his tracks, which creates a really unique and interesting sound.

1) Break of Dawn (Bye.)
2) Always
3) Audiotary Theatre
4) Director
5) Teaser Trailer
6) Family Hour
7) Location Shoot
8) Feature Presentation
9) Extended Trailer
10) Bass Head: A True Space Story
11) Product Placement
12) The Editing Room
13) A Day in the Life of a Sampler
14) Irreversible Damage
15) ...Restart
16) Equilibrium
17) Perfect Stage
18) Final Scene
19) Thank You for Not Smoking (Hi.)
20) Copyright Infringement