Saturday, February 07, 2009
No matter what party, where it is, how old, how young, there's one thing that i've noticed is at every party. Other than the obvious (girls, guys, the quintessential shirtless guy, drinks and music) there's one thing that always seems to pop up. Haven't figured it out yet? Its that damned red dixie cup.

My buddy Cam Goldberg is a perfect example, cheers buddy.
As soon as i started noticing this, I went back through history in movies, and again, that red cup, in every party. Dazed and Confused, Animal House, Old School, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, the list goes on and on.
So what is it, that makes this the definitive cup? Who knows. What I do know is that Dixie remains the biggest privately owned company in the world, and when this super special cup was introduced it was called the "health kup", for god knows why. It could be that they're cheap, bear no logo, are perfect for flipcup & pong, or maybe its that they're a symbol of drunkenness and good times. Around my way, they're also called "keg cups" alot. Whatever the reason, the cup has become a symbol of a generation of partying and good times. Infact, according to urban dictionary, Dixie Cup means good times (stupid i know)
Cool; Awesome. Originates from San Diego, CA, and commonly used in Greensboro, NC.
"Man, we had such a fun time last night. Last night was dixie cup!"
No matter the case, Cheers. Drink up boys. This was a stupid post. Its 8:22 in the morning.