Monday, December 15, 2008
Kid Cudi
So, recently dude put out "A Kid Named Cudi" and I guess shit hit the fan. People are sending me tracks from him left and right, like i don't already have the mixtape. Honestly, he's good, but dudes are jumping on his nuts like he's a messiah or some shit. Anyways, never the less, Plain Pat did the production on this and made the shit good, so check it out.

1. (00:00:50) KiD CuDi - Intro
2. (00:04:09) KiD CuDi - Down & Out
3. (00:03:31) KiD CuDi - Is There Any Love? (Feat. Wale)
4. (00:02:20) KiD CuDi - CuDi Get
5. (00:03:27) KiD CuDi - Man On The Moon (The Anthem)
6. (00:03:39) KiD CuDi - The Prayer
7. (00:02:48) KiD CuDi - Day N Nite
8. (00:03:35) Crookers - Embrace The Martian (Feat. KiD CuDi)
9. (00:02:24) KiD CuDi - Maui Wowie
10. (00:02:55) KiD CuDi - 50 Ways To Make A Record
11. (00:02:04) KiD CuDi - Whenever
12. (00:03:24) KiD CuDi - Pillow Talk
13. (00:02:03) KiD CuDi - Save My Soul (The CuDi Confession)
14. (00:02:23) KiD CuDi - T.G.I.F. (Feat. Chip The Ripper)
15. (00:03:06) KiD CuDi - CuDi Spazzin’
16. (00:03:46) KiD CuDi - Cleveland Is The Reason
17. (00:03:17) KiD CuDi - Heaven At Nite
anyways, download the album HERE
personally, i only really like "50 Ways To Make A Record", and honestly there's alot more albums that have been put out that have been way more slept on and way more John Blaze than that. I bet ya'll don't know about "Don't Quit Your Day Job" by Consequence. Download it HERE. I promise it doesn't get much better than this. If you don't use torrents, holla at me and i'll send you the album.